Religious Diversity Journey (RDJ)
Interfaith Leadership Council (IFLC), MI
Youth Group
Birmingham Unitarian Church, MI
World Religions Class
Macomb Community College, MI
Know Your Classmates
Press Conference Event, MI
World Religions Class
Bloomfield Hills High School, MI
MMCC Ramadan Dinner With Our Neighbors
Bloomfield Hills, MI
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Welcome to ING MidWest

ING MidWest is a non-profit educational organization serving Michigan and Northern Ohio. It is an affiliate of the Islamic Networks Group (ING), a national organization pursuing peace and countering all forms of bigotry, through education and interfaith engagement while working within the framework of the First Amendment’s protection of religious freedom and pluralism.



At a time when Islamophobia and hate rhetoric against American Muslims has reached unprecedented levels in recent years, it is critical that American Muslims clarify common stereotypes, educate others about their faith, and paint their own picture by using their own brush. 

Promote Religious Literacy

Help educators to understand what is required for a basic understanding of Islam and its roles on Muslims socially, politically and culturally, through a basic understanding of the history, central texts, beliefs and practices.

Promote Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural Diversity seminars for educators, hospitals, law enforcement and work forces on countering Islamophobia, bullying  and their impact on Muslims and marginalized communities

Provide Educator Workshops

ING MidWest is pleased to share online resources related to teaching about Muslims and their faith with educators in middle and high schools as well as colleges and universities. 

Train Speakers

Prospective speakers become certified by ING MidWest after a rigorous process of testing. Trained speakers define Muslims and Islam rather than allowing others to define them by using interactive presentations by using colorful digital presentations and Q & A sessions.

Interfaith Panels

Working at the grassroots level in our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, houses of worship, and civic organizations to to build mutual understanding and respect among all our fellow Americans.

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